Learn, Unlearn and Relearn – Vital to Logistics Excellence

An Exclusive meeting with the overseers of Team global Logistics Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Nityam Khosla and Mr. Vivek Kele, who have been the pioneers of solidification in India and have long stretches of involvement with the coordinations business. Both Mr. Nityam and Mr. Vivek are known globally for their area mastery and business keenness. Teamglobal is a coordinations organization having container India presence and a solid worldwide organization, offering coordinations arrangements in different fragments of the area.

  1. How and when was your organization begun? How has the excursion so far been?

Nityam: The Company was framed in the year 2005 with an expect to offer quality assistance in different portions of Logistics. The excursion so far has been fascinating, testing and fulfilling.

  1. Teamglobal is perceived as an innovator in LCL union, would you say you are zeroing in on specialization in this specific perspective? How would you intend to situate yourself on the lookout?

Vivek: It is complimenting when somebody says that we are the pioneers in LCL combination market, however we feel that there is far to go in this section of coordinations. There is part that should be possible regarding creating linkages in the foundation broadly and globally and make the LCL payload dealing with more consistent. We will keep on zeroing in on this fragment and position our self as a best option LCL transporter for our clients.


  1. The coordinations market is packed with players of all sizes offering ekspedisi kargo rivalry, how have you dealt with these difficulties what separates you from the remainder of the opposition?

Nityam: In the Indian setting cost is one of the significant driving variables with regards to purchasing of an item or a help. We have made a decent attempt to keep our administrations exceptionally cutthroat and all the while zeroed in on improving the nature of our administrations to make them more solid and trustworthy, with the goal that our client keeps on utilizing us at being serious in costs and predictable in administrations. Our undertaking is to ceaselessly learn and ad, which implies the attention, stays on steady and constant forgetting, learning and relearning. These outcomes in improving client experience through making of significant worth.

Vivek: Finding the most productive and powerful approach to examine and create client knowledge is an indispensable piece of our client care drive. We comprehend that offering quality assistance by expanding operational productivity has an immediate relationship to the worth we can offer to our customers. Our customers rely upon us to give the best and we are satisfied that, we have had the option to fulfill them generally. We accept we can convey a huge upper hand to our clients with our interesting and centered arrangements.

  1. What patterns would you say you are seeing concerning the coordinations area and its essential significance? How has it developed in the course of the most recent decade?

Nityam: The pattern in strategic area has been to rethink, an ever increasing number of organizations are zeroing in on assembling and deals which is their center fitness. Indeed the huge transnational organizations are currently focusing on item advancement, quality control and promoting, any remaining exercises like assembling, warehousing and appropriation are being rethought.